Project Funding Proposal: Essential Contents for Approval

Many infrastructure projects are funded by states or financial institutions. In this article, we will describe the most common sections required to apply for project funding.

Applicant's description

This section includes the organization's basic information, such as its name, legal status, company number, VAT number, official and correspondence addresses, telephone and fax numbers, email address, website, contact person, date of establishment, and main activities related to the project. It also details the applicant's financial and operational capacity, which is used to evaluate their resources to complete the project. This information is based on the organization's income statement and balance sheet, and it describes available resources such as employees, materials, technical resources, volunteers, associated organizations, and networks that can contribute to the project's implementation.


To demonstrate experience in similar projects, the applicant must provide detailed information on each project implemented by the organization in recent years. Additionally, information about the applicant's participation in ongoing procedures for project proposals funded by the European Union, other international donors, and the national budget must be provided.

Partner description

If applicable, this section provides information about each partner organization, including their experience and capacity. It emphasizes the cooperation between the applicant and the partner and the partner's role in the project's implementation.

Description of the project proposal

This section provides the project proposal's details, such as the location of the project, including the planning area, district, municipality, and settlement. It also includes the objectives, which describe the general and specific purposes. The overall objective provides information on the long-term benefits to the community or sector targeted by the project, and the specific objectives describe the benefits to the beneficiaries and target groups of the project implementation. It should be clearly stated how the project will contribute directly to the objective of the grant scheme.


It provides essential information on the need or problem that led to the preparation and proposal of the project.

The justification may include information on problems and previous activities, as well as the relevance of the project on a local, regional, and national scale.

In this part, it must be demonstrated that the project is in accordance with the objectives of the program operation, as well as with the planning document for the target territory (district, district, municipality). Describes how the project complements the impact of other strategic documents, priorities, and needs initiatives.

The justification should include information on the compliance of the project with the specific needs, limitations, and problems of the target area and target groups and how it contributes to their satisfaction/overcoming.

Target groups

Target groups (groups / organizations that will be directly and positively impacted by the project) and final beneficiaries (those who will benefit from the project results in the long term at community or sector level) should be described in detail, including identifying their expected number and characteristics - gender, age, education, employment. The justification should include information on the reasons for selecting the target groups and identifying their needs. It describes the problems that will be solved with the project and how it addresses the problems of disadvantaged people, including the Roma, what is the demand for the project's products by the target groups and final beneficiaries.

Financial allocation - in line with the project budget.

A brief description of all key studies such as market studies should be included in the justification of relevance, local demand, and market effect; statistics proving the absence of a well-functioning market or service; statistics proving supply shortfalls. The project must provide evidence and quantitative evidence that there is local or regional demand for the infrastructure services it seeks to provide in the most appropriate and efficient manner.

A detailed description of project activities.

A detailed description of project activities should be provided. This description should include the name of the activity, a description and justification of the activity, and expected products/results.

Any information and publicity activities should be presented separately in a table. If there are partners involved in the project, their roles in the implementation of activities should be clearly stated.

It is important to note that the detailed description of activities should not duplicate the action plan.


The methodology section should include information on the main stages of project implementation, the methods chosen for activity implementation, their sequence, and the reasons for their selection. Additionally, accountability-related issues should be addressed.

If the project proposal is a continuation of a previous project or a prerequisite for a subsequent project, it should be clarified how the proposal complements or builds on previous project results or helps to start the next project.

The team directly involved in the organization and management of the project should be described, including justification for the need to include relevant positions. The respective requirements for each position should be indicated, and the functions and responsibilities of team members clearly defined.

Finally, this section should describe the envisaged procedures for internal monitoring and self-assessment of project implementation, including monitoring of contractor activities assigned by the applicant and periodic reporting of progress in implementing project activities.

Duration and plan of action.

The duration of the project (months, years) is determined.

The action plan must include the name of the activities and be sufficiently detailed to provide a summary of the preparation and implementation of each activity.

Product and result indicators.

Product and result indicators play a crucial role in ensuring the success of a project. They provide a framework for monitoring project progress and evaluating the achievement of project objectives. These indicators help measure the quantitative value of the intended outcomes that the applicant aims to achieve with the project implementation.

To effectively monitor the progress, the indicator value by year and the baseline value of the indicator before starting the project should also be determined. This allows for a comparative analysis of the current and projected progress, providing a better understanding of the effectiveness of the project.

It's important to note that only the indicators that are applicable to the application component should be included. In addition, their quantitative dimension should be presented to carry out internal monitoring and self-assessment of project implementation. This means that the selected indicators should be specific and measurable, allowing for easy tracking and evaluation of the project's progress.

While it's important to focus on the indicators applicable to the application component, other indicators at the applicant's discretion may also be added to help track project progress. The more comprehensive the set of indicators, the better equipped the project team is to monitor the project's progress and make data-driven decisions to ensure successful project completion.

Impact indicators.

Impact indicators are crucial in monitoring the success of a project and its ability to achieve its objectives. Therefore, it is essential to indicate the quantitative value of the indicators that the applicant seeks to achieve with the project implementation. This information will be instrumental in determining the progress of the project towards achieving its intended outcomes.

Expected results.

Expected results are the specific and immediate results of the implementation of each project activity, and they should be clearly outlined. It is essential to ensure that the results are measurable, verifiable, and reliable over time. To achieve this, the applicant must provide a detailed explanation of the basis for their assessments, including projections, assumptions, and other relevant factors that contributed to their expectations.

In addition to achieving immediate results, it is crucial to ensure the sustainability of the project's impact on the target groups. Therefore, the applicant should describe the expected impact of the project on the target groups, with particular attention to the possibilities of multiplying the achieved project results. These possibilities may include applying the project's results in other areas or other target groups, positive project results that contribute to the development of the sector concerned, and additional benefits to the target groups.

Sustainability of the project.

Finally, the sustainability of the project must be addressed, ensuring that the project's results are maintained even after the completion of the funding period. The financial sustainability of the project should be described, along with whether the project structures established will continue to exist after completion, ensuring its institutional sustainability. By doing so, the project's impact and results can be sustained, contributing to its long-term success.

Requirements for the implementation of the project activities

To effectively carry out project activities, it is important to provide a detailed description of its readiness, the current stage of development, and potential risks associated with its implementation.

Project readiness is confirmed through several documents such as technical/work design, resource price analysis, technical specifications, energy efficiency survey, conformity assessment with existing construction requirements, building permits, and environmental impact assessments.

If the project is already underway, it is necessary to indicate the current stage of implementation.

Additionally, potential risks associated with the implementation of the project should be identified and described in detail. This includes their potential impact on the final results and the proposed strategies to mitigate or minimize them.

It is important to provide a comprehensive assessment of project readiness and risk management to ensure the success and sustainability of the project. This not only helps to identify potential challenges but also provides a clear roadmap for achieving project objectives.

Contribution of the project to the achievement of horizontal Community policies

In compliance with the guidelines stipulated by the European Union for the execution of the Structural and Investment Funds, it is imperative to guarantee the implementation of horizontal Community policies. These policies encompass various aspects such as equal opportunities, non-discrimination, sustainable development, environmental protection, and promotion of gender equality.

It is essential to ensure that these policies are integrated into the design and implementation of the project. This ensures that the project not only meets its intended objectives but also contributes to the overall development of the community and aligns with the broader goals of the European Union. It is crucial to pay attention to the effective implementation of these policies to ensure that the project is successful in achieving its objectives and has a lasting impact on the community.

Equal Opportunities

To ensure the successful implementation of a project, it is crucial to consider the impact it may have on the environment and society. As per the rules established by the European Union for the Structural and Investment Funds, horizontal Community policies such as equal opportunities and environmental protection must be taken into account.

Regarding equal opportunities, it is important to assess how the project will promote social inclusion and support groups that may be at a disadvantage, such as individuals with disabilities or from ethnic minorities. By providing equal opportunities, the project can contribute to a more inclusive and diverse society.

In terms of environmental protection, it is essential to ensure that the project is designed and implemented in a way that minimizes its negative impact on the environment. Furthermore, it should aim to preserve and conserve natural resources to contribute to the sustainability of the project in the long term. By integrating environmental considerations into the project, it can support the transition toward a greener and more sustainable future.

Sustainable development

Does the project contribute to enhancing competitiveness and the related promotion of employment and added value? Describes the contribution of the project to overcome regional disparities, the application of the polluter pays principle, and more.

Innovation and policymaking

Describes to what extent the project offers innovative approaches to its implementation or shares good practices. Some products and services, new activities and processes, new tools and tools, new organizational structures, new partners and networks, etc. can be considered innovations.

Requirements for publicity

It is a prerequisite that the financial support received is publicized and promoted. The methods and measures for providing information and publicity applicable to the project are described. Typical forms are billboards, signs, posters, information and communication materials, information events, publications.

Revenue generation

A revenue-generating project is one that involves an investment in infrastructure, the use of which generates revenue during the period of its implementation, and during the relevant subsequent reference period.

The information should include the type of revenue - derived from sales, rents, services, collection of fees, provision of services for remuneration, and other equivalent revenue that is received directly by users of the infrastructure built under the project.

Financial analysis is attached to the application form, which must be prepared by an independent expert in accordance with the Guide to Cost Analysis - Benefits of Investment Projects.


When the applicant assigns the implementation of the project activities to a contractor, the expected number and type of procedures (under the Public Procurement Act) and the estimated value of each contract shall be indicated.

The information includes the name of the contract selection procedure, type of contract (services, construction), type of procedure (open, restricted, etc.), expected value excluding value-added tax, and the start of the contract selection procedure (month/year).

Consistency with Community policies and legislation

Information shall be provided on the availability of funding for the project proposal from other Community sources, as well as on the relation of the requested funding to State aid.

The details of the amount requested/provided for the project shall be described in the following cases: an application for assistance from another financial instrument; the project is complementary to another project already funded or to be funded by Community funds and other sources; an application for a loan or equity contribution from the EIB / EIF; an application for assistance from another Community source for any previous phase of the project (including feasibility studies and preparatory phases).


The annexes include the following basic documents: project budget, including total eligible costs, sources of funding, and own contribution; detailed quantitative account for construction works; valued technical specifications (for equipment); a description of the project's publicity activities; CV of the project manager; declarations.

Technical documentation is attached to the application form. It usually contains a technical or work investment project, a resource price analysis, and energy efficiency audit, an assessment of the project's compliance with existing building requirements, and a building permit.


In today's world, where funding is a significant obstacle for organizations and individuals seeking to implement new projects, the importance of a well-written project funding proposal cannot be overstated. It serves as a comprehensive document that not only outlines the specifics of the project but also convinces the funding body that the project is viable and deserves financial support. Therefore, it is crucial to include all the necessary contents in the proposal, such as a clear description of project activities, expected results, and sustainability plan.

Moreover, it is essential to address potential risks associated with the project and to ensure that it complies with relevant policies and regulations, especially those set forth by the European Union. This will not only demonstrate the applicant's commitment to responsible project implementation but also provide assurance to the funding body that the project will have a positive impact on society and the environment.

In addition, including product and impact indicators in the proposal is essential to monitor project progress and evaluate the achievement of project objectives. By doing so, the applicant can provide clear metrics that demonstrate the impact of the project and ensure that the project is on track to meet its goals.

In summary, a well-written project funding proposal that includes all the necessary contents is critical for securing funding and ensuring successful project implementation. With careful consideration of the proposal's contents, applicants can increase their chances of obtaining funding and contribute positively to society and the environment through their projects.

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